Apache vs. IIS — Which Is Better for Porn Sites?

Currently static files on this site are served using IIS. Seth Dillingham recently mentioned the possibility of switching to Apache, so I thought I’d just check to see about relative speeds for serving static files between Apache and IIS.

Google led me straight to this page which discuss the merits of using Apache vs. IIS for serving porn.

For the most affordable hosting, most adult webmasters depend on the Apache Web server running on the Linux or FreeBSD platform. The software is free, reliable and easy to manage. Best of all, the server has the least demanding requirements. It can easily be deployed on a standard Pentium or Celeron CPU.

Apache is also best-suited for most porn developers because it provides excellent performance for static Web sites. Most adult webmasters create static thumbnail galleries in their member services area that do not require database inventory or interactivity. Since they design and output static HTML pages with graphics, all that they require is a Web server that can deliver the pages to their clients quickly and efficiently as possible.

I can just see Steve Ballmer now — IPod users are music thieves and Apache users are pornographers.

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