
For the past couple weeks I’ve been looking for a Windows program that will create a Wiki-like editing environment. I’ve gone to the trouble in the past of configuring a web server on my machine and using it to run a Wiki, but a) that’s more work than I really want to do, and b) I need this to run from multiple machines, which is *really* more work than I want to do going the web server route.

There are several products for Windows that accomplish this, including Note Studio ($50 shareware) and at Notebook (freeware).

My favorite, however, was wikidPad. It’s shareware, but the registration fee is only $12. Unlike either Note Studio or Notebook, wikidPad stores all files in plain text. I also thought its interface was much better than the other two programs.

The only caveat is that if you have a Palm OS PDA, you might find Note Studio worth a good hard look as it has a companion program for the PDA.

Ah, the Powers of Ten

In September, my web sites reached a couple of milestones. The one I’m happiest about is that the 100,000th message was posted. As I’ve said before, I consider a discussion forum extremely important and it’s nice to reach that cumulative total.

The other thing I consider essential is Conversant’s ability to let me apply metadata to messages. I’ve used this feature the most at In September I passed a milestone of 1,000 categories and subcategories there which drives this topical directory.