Tammy Bruce on News Media and Child Molesters

Tammy Bruce is one of those blowhard pundits that currently dominate cable news stations whose speciality is trying to say something more outrageous than some other blowhard said 15 minutes ago. For example, in an op-ed for NewsMax she writes about being pleased about the murder of pedophile priest John Geoghan and argue that pedophilia should be made a capital crime (in Bruce’s world, apparently, many of those falsely imprisoned during the hysteria over child sex abuse in the 1980s would have been executed).

But she does make a nice point about the idiocy of some in the media who seem to have internalized a rather appalling sort of moral relativism. Bruce writes,

CNN’s Anderson Cooper exemplified how inane the news media is when it comes to a moral standard. In covering the murder, Cooper, the cute but stunningly vacant anchor, was interviewing a prison expert about the Geoghan murder.

Cooper’s tone was one of indignation and shock as he kept repeating “How could this have happened! Why couldn’t they protect him!” He then asked a question that would be inexplicable in any world other than one plunging into a moral abyss — “Why do prisoners hate child molesters so much?”

Gee, let me think. Fortunately, the man expected to answer such a profound and complex question had the answer. He looked a little stunned and then said “Well, probably for the same reasons the rest of society does.” In fact, 80 percent of those incarcerated also report having been abused as children. That little factoid doesn’t work in favor of the child molester either.


No sympathy for the Devil. Tammy Bruce, NewsMax.Com, August 27, 2003.

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