PETA Takes Out Billboards in South Asia Linking Meat Eating to Impotence

People for the Ethical Treatment has taken its typically high-minded campaign against meat eating to southern Asia with a billboard connecting meat eating to impotence.

The ad shows a frustrated-look man in bed staring down at his crotch with the tagline, “Eating meat got you down? Get it up: Go vegetarian.”

PETA international campaign manager Alka Chandna told The Indian Express,

I’m afraid it’s very true. I know we tend to think that in Indian culture we hesitated to talk openly about se, but American culture is shockingly conservative as well.

Yeah, you hardly ever hear or see anything in the least bit sexual in America!

Here, in the US, most people know that heart disease and stroke are the result of constriction of blood . . . too much cholesterol in one’s diet has the has the potential of clogging the blood vessels — arteries to the heart, arteries to the brain, arteries to organs, and arteries to the genitalia.

Of course consuming health levels of cholesterol does not require one to become a vegetarian.


To grab South Asian eyeballs, PETA is aiming below the belt. Sonia Chopra, April 11, 2003.

Veggie Diet Helps Men ?Rise to the Occasion?, Says Group. Press Release, PETA, March 26, 2003.

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