Hawaii Considers Strengthening Penalties Against Cockfighting and Dog Fighting

The Hawaii state Senate is currently considering a bill that would toughen penalties for cockfighting and dog fighting.

The bill, which was moved out of committee on February 28, would create a new Class C felony, “aggravated cruelty to animals,” which would include cockfighting under its purview. Cockfighting would then be punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a $10,000 fine.

Hawaiian Humane Society president Pam Burns testified at a hearing on the bill that under current Hawaiian statutes, offenders convicted of cockfighting are typically fined a mere $50 to $100.

The bill is opposed by the Hawaii Game Breeders Association. Association spokesperson Annette Lee question the need to make cockfighting a felony saying, “We do need to get our priorities in order when it comes to increasing felony crimes.”


Cockfighting bill advances. Viki Viotti, The Honolulu Advertiser, March 1, 2003.

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