Fixating on Michael Moore?

Henry Hanks points to this post by far left cartoonist Tom Tomorrow in which Tomorrow is shocked that James Lileks wrote of Michael Moore,

I donÂ’t hate Michael Moore, I pity him – heÂ’s going to die in 15 years of a massive coronary on a cold tiled bathroom floor, awash in the blasts of his emptied bowels, his autopsy photos posted to The Smoking Gun’s new 3D holographic photo section.

I certainly wouldn’t write something like that, but its rather mild compared to the sort of things regularly posted at Left wing sites like Common Dreams or the publications that Tomorrow’s cartoons appear in.

But what I really find fascinating about Tomorrow’s comments is this tidbit,

I understand that a lot of right-leaning bloggers have a particular fixation on Michael Moore–but this is really disturbing, even within that context.

This is the flip side of what passes for left wing media criticism.

On the one hand, if everyone just ignored Moore, this would offered as proof positive that right wing blogs are an echo chamber where no dissenting views are aired.

On the other hand, if people actually take the time to quote from and comment on Moore, well just lookee here — that’s a bonafide fixation.

The real irony of right wing blogs is that they give far more exposure to far left wing ideas than does the mainstream media (in much the same way that until recently far left writers tended to give libertarian-style political ideas more exposure than the mass media does — if only to criticize such ideas), but to people like Tomorrow this is Not Necessarily A Good Thing(TM).

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