BuyMusic Apparently Sucks

Apparently BuyMusic.Com is a less than enjoyable experience,

First problem. After you buy an album, you need to download it. Sure, I knew that. What I didn’t know is that you have to download EACH SONG INDIVIDUALLY. One click per song. With two large sized albums with many songs on it – it can be just a LITTLE annoying.

Ok. We’re compromising, right? I’ll suck it up and deal.

After all the songs downloaded, I tried to play them. Second problem. Before each song plays – it has to download and verify your license. You can’t mulitple select a bunch and do this. You need to do this before EACH SONG will play. [Edited to add: “Verifing your license” means another window pops up that asks for your buymusic login and password… you enter it… it thinks awhile… it thinks some more… Then it comes back and says click “play” to actually play the song…]

Gee, why don’t they just make you install a dongle to your PC while they’re at it. Then again, these are the same folks who thought they’d attract me to their service by taking out full page ads featuring loser/wife beater Tommy Lee.

I have no idea whether or not BuyMusic.Com is a useful service. Every time I try to visit their home page I get a message saying,

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