AVMA Officially Opposes Pet Guardianship

At a meeting of its Executive Board in May, the American Veterinary Medical Association approved a statement opposing efforts to designate pet owners as “guardians.”

The position statement reads,

Ownership vs. Guardianship

The American Veterinary Medical Association promotes the optimal health and well-being of animals. Further, the AVMA recognizes the role of responsible owners in providing for their animals’ care. Any change in terminology describing the relationship between animals and owners does not strengthen this relationship and may, in fact, diminish it. Such changes in terminology may decrease the ability of veterinarians to provide services and, ultimately, result in animal suffering.

Several cities and one state, Rhode Island, have approved laws designating pet owners as “guardians.” Source:

AVMA opposes ‘pet guardianship’. American Veterinary Medical Association, Press Release, July 3, 2003.

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