Animal Liberation Front Damages Trucks at Seafood Company

Animal Liberation Front activists damaged 48 delivery trucks at Supreme Lobster and Seafood Co. in Villa Park, Illinois.

Activists cut the brake lines and destroyed the refrigeration units in the trucks. Total damage was estimated at between $50,000 and $75,000. The attack took place sometime on Feb. 1 or Feb. 2, but wasn’t discovered until Feb. 3 when a driver realized his truck had no breaks. Further investigation revealed an “ALF — No Brakes” slogan written in marker or spray paint on the door of a garage.

An e-mail communique from the group said that,

[Supreme Lobster is] responsible for the deaths of more than one billion sea creatures over the past 25 years.

The company was able to rent trucks to finish its scheduled deliveries.


FBI investigates vandalism to local business. Larry Rogowin, The Lombardian (Illinois), February 5, 2003.

FBI investigating animal rights group attack on Supreme Seafoods. Ken Coons, Seafood.Com, February 4, 2003.

Supreme Lobster estimates damage of $50,000 to $70,000 from vandalism. Daily Herald (Illinois), February 5, 2003.

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