My Odd Week

The past seven days have been very odd. First my car died. Died as in when the mechanic comes out and tells you that he can fix it, but the cost to fix is going to be more than the car is worth.

Then my web sites disappeared from the face of the Earth thanks to a mixup between the telco. company and my web host. Here’s my big lesson from that — a week without constant weblogging sucks.

And it also became obvious that we needed another computer — my wife was trying to finish her thesis and ran into a lot of problems thanks to the relatively old machine I had her working on.

Oh, and I discovered that thanks to the lack of oversight by my predecessor in my position at work that the department I manage is actually running a deficit about twice as high as I had originally thought (I know where you’re coming from about the high cost of T1 connectivity, Seth!)

Fortunately, this is the United States where pretty much any problem can be solved by an influx of cash and credit. New car, new computer, new ISP for the web sites (though still handled by Macrobyte despite the outage — more on that later). They say money can’t buy happiness, but what else are you going to use it for?

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