Connellsville Area High School plans on using a “Cow Bingo” event as a fund raiser, and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has already sent letters to the school complaining that the event is cruel to the cow.
The event will involve marking the front lawn of the school into 3,025 squares, allowing people to buy a square for $10, with the winner being decided on where the cow decides to do her business.
PETA’s Amy Rhodes sent a letter saying, “We are writing to ask that you ensure that this event is immediately replaced with a more humane and truly entertaining one.”
Principal Robert McLuckey told the Associated Press that the show will go on. “People have already bought tickets for it,” McLuckey said. “We have had a positive response to it overall.”
Despite PETA opposition, prom fund-raiser goes on. The Associated Press, March 26, 2002.