Group Wants an End to Hanging of Dogs

The World Society for the Protection of Animals recently highlighted its call for a national animal protection law in Spain by turning the spotlight on a gruesome practice — the hanging of greyhounds.

The WSPA claims that every year thousands of greyhounds are hanged after the conclusion of the annular hare-coursing season. The dogs are then dumped in shallow graves or rubbish piles.

Spain has no national animal protection law and its regional laws are spotty at best. In at least two parts of Spain, Andalucia and Extremadura, there are no animal protection laws and hanging greyhounds is not a crime.

Other regions do have animal protection laws, including laws that specifically forbid the hanging of greyhounds, but they are not rigorously enforced. According to the WPSA, for example, not one person has been prosecuted under Castilla y Leon’s law banning the hanging of dogs.


Campaigners call on Spain to outlaw hanging of dogs. Elizabeth Nash, The Independent (London), April 29, 2002.

Animal charity uncovers hanging of unwanted greyhounds. Ananova, April 29, 2002.

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