Animal Rights Movement and Excessive Regulation "Delay Lifesaving Drugs"

Medical researchers told the European Breast Cancer Conference that animal rights attacks combined with excessive regulations governing clinical trials are delaying the development of life saving cancer treatments.

Dr. Michael Baum, who chaired the conference, said,

Women will die unnecessarily because of the delays these two threats cause.

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Britain has led the world in reducing deaths from breast cancer because of the research and innovation we have in this country. That is being lost. We are already seeing delays in new drugs coming through and young researchers are deciding it’s not worth coming into the field because of all the restrctions.

As if animal rights attacks were not enough, in 1996 the European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products imposed additional regulations on the conduct of clinical trials. Many medical researchers believe those regulations went too far in protecting the privacy of patients in clinical trials. According to Baum,

I accept that we need to protect patients and protec thtier privacy but these restrictions are nonsensical. There is a pently to pay for them and that pentalty is in peoiple’s lives.


Animal rights ‘delay lifesaving drugs’. Helen Rumbelow, The Times (UK), March 23, 2002.

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