Who Do Philly Fans Hate Even More than Kobe Bryant?

I don’t get this. Kobe Bryant was a hoops sensation in Pennsylvania, but now they’re booing him like crazy in Philadelphia. Its not like he said he’d never play for the 76ers or anything like that. Apparently they just hate him because he’s from the area and he’s playing for the Lakers (he did, however, get in an argument with Allen Iverson at the end of Friday’s game, but if Philly fans are getting into that, they’re really hitting bottom).

Then again, booing an opponent is one of the most absurd act in sports anyway. Dumb.

More amusing, though, is that despite all the jeers the crowd directed at Bryant, it turns out there is someone the crowd despised even more than any of the Lakers. According to ESPN,

Bryant, who got into a heated argument with Iverson at the end of Game 2, was greeted with boos and “Ko-be sucks!” chants early on. The only person who drew more boos than Bryant was former president Bill Clinton when he was caught on camera by the arena’s video screen.


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