Save Five Lives, Go Directly to Jail

Courtesy of Morons.Org comes this report about, well, morons in California’s justice system.

Two armed men busted into a San Francisco loft where Detrick Washington, 25, and four other people were hanging out. Washington noticed that one of the intruders had laid down his gun will attempting to tie up some of the loft’s occupants. Washington grabbed the gun, and within a few minutes both would-be robbers (who still had knives and a machete) were shot dead.

Police call Washington a hero, but he’s now in jail for his actions. Washington was on parole for a drug conviction and his parole carries explicit conditions that he is not even supposed to touch a gun, much less use it to kill an armed intruder.

A spokesman for the Department of Corrections said that Washington will remain locked up until the department finishes its own investigation of the shooting.

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