Oops, HSUS Did It Again

It seems that the Humane Society of the United States can’t make up its mind about whether activists should protest Columbia, Missouri.

In a June 13, 2001, Humanelines e-mail — which is widely redistributed on numerous animal rights e-mail lists and web sites — HSUS wrote,

Stephens Lake recreational area, owned by the City of Columbia (MO) is waiting until the geese on their property begin molting (and are unable to fly) to round them up and send them to slaughterhouses. You can write to them in protest of their plan at: City of Columbia, Parks & Recreation Dept., (Attn: Karen Ramey), 1 South 7th St., Columbia, MO 65205 / email: [email protected] / (573) 874-7460.

But less than 24 hours later they sent out a semi-retraction,

Regarding the Stephens Lake, Canada Goose Roundup & Slaughter printed in yesterday’s Humanelines, it appears as though the City of Columbia may NOT actually be engaged in such a slaughter plan. Please hold off on sending your protest letters until we can actually confirm the City of Columbia’s stance on this issue. We apologize for the confusion, and thanks for your patience!

Ariana Huemer
HSUS Government Affairs
[email protected]

Hey, everyone makes mistakes, but you’d think HSUS would thoroughly fact check a story before sending out a plea for people to call and write to protest.

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