Mandela Criticizes ANC

One of the biggest problems with newly independent regimes is that former freedom fighters quickly turn into tyrants, usually without only token opposition from within their ranks. Fortunately Nelson Mandela doesn’t seem content to sit by and watch South Africa go that route. Mandela openly blasted the ruling African National Congress for rampant corruption and racism.

In remarks to the Mail & Guardian — a Johannesburg newspaper — Mandela said, “Little did we suspect that our own people, when they got a chance, would be as corrupt as the apartheid regime. That is one of the things that has really hurt us.”

Mandela reaffirmed the basic importance of the freedom of speech which has come under attack in South Africa as the government has attempted to intimidate journalists and activists critical of its role in everything from AIDS treatment to a burgeoning arms scandal. Mandela told the Mail & Guardian,

We must welcome differences of opinion. They will always be there. One of the most effective weapons in dealing with different opinions is tolerance — the ability to take criticism and not personalize it. The proper thing to do is to have free and vigorous debate on every issue and to criticize everybody, including the president, because then, when we have consensus, we can go out and speak with one voice.

It’s a shame leaders in other African nations have not maintained their sense of purpose and justice as Mandela obviously has.


Mandela accuses ANC of racism and corruption. Tim Butcher, Daily Telegraph (UK), March 3, 2001.

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