Jack Straw Moves to Foreign Secretary

The resounding win by Tony Blair’s Labor Party in recent British elections has resulted in Home Secretary Jack Straw, who of late had become an outspoken defender of Huntingdon Life Sciences and other animal enterprises victimized by animal rights activists, leaving that position and moving into the position of Foreign Secretary.

According to the BBC, the move was made because Blair believes Straw has the right wing credentials to help the Labor government sell to the British public whatever it ultimately ends up doing in regards to European Union proposals for a single unified European currency.

No word yet on who will replace Straw, but Straw’s move to Foreign Secretary could represent a big step backward for those who want the British government to take a strong stance against animal rights activist’s disruption of legitimate animal enterprises.


Straw: New man at UK Foreign Office. The BBC, June 9, 2001.

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