Horrible Web Design

I thought I’d seen every annoying web trick under the sun, but apparently I missed one — why not make it impossible for people to resize to the browser window when they’re visiting your site? Check out: and just try to resize the window.

View the source for the page and you see what has to be the most pointless script in the world:

Sub window_onresize
	Dim WL, WH, CPW, CPH, WT, W
	WL = screen.width
	WH = screen.height
	'Get Screen Center Points
	CPW = WL / 2
	CPH = WH /2	
	'Rezise Window
	window.resizeTo 770,580
	'Center Window In Center Of WIndow
	WT = WL / 2 - 400
	W = WH / 2 - 292 - 10
	self.moveto WT,W
End Sub

What would possess someone to make it impossible to resize the browser? What possible advantage is there to doing so?

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