Activists on both sides of the Atlantic have decided to target, of all companies, the Bank of New York. What is BNY’s sins in the eyes of the activists? BNy owns 41 million shares of Huntington Life Sciences — the large EUropean research laboratory.
A press release by Stop Huntington ANimal Cruelty included a quote from Joe Bateman saying, “We want Bank of New York to sell its 41 million shares in HLS. Their investment is not saving human lives nor supporting valuable research.”
The press release practically gloats that Huntington “…has been the object of firebombs because of its cruel treatment of animals” (which would be accurate if written as “…has been the object of firebombs because of the irrational ignorance of some animal rights activists) and that “…workers for the Huntington Life Sciences have been targeted with arson attacks at their homes in Europe in recent weeks.”
But, of course, it is the researchers who are cruel and unreasonable.
“Bank of New York Target of Protest; Activists Want BNY to Sell Research Lab Stock.” Press release, Stop Huntington Animal Cruelty, May 18, 2000.