Tim Draper’s Poor Ethical Standards

Elizabeth Holmes dropped out of college at the age of 19 to start Theranos, a company that promised to revolutionize blood testing but was, in fact, one giant fraud. In June 2018, Holmes was indicted by a federal grand jury on charges of conspiracy to commit wire fraud against Theranos investors; conspiracy to commit wire fraud against doctors and Theranos patients, and nine separate counts of actual wire fraud (read the full indictment – 4mb PDF).

And yet when asked if, given all he knows now, if he would still back a company she founded, early Theranos investor Tim Draper said yes, he would,

Bloomberg reporter Sarah McBride asked Tim Draper — a venture capitalist, enthusiastic Bitcoin supporter, and one of Theranos’ first investors — whether he would back Holmes again. Draper responded to the question by saying, “I’d back her as chief science officer, not CEO. Good question,” according to a short Twitter thread from L.A. Times reporter Sam Dean.

Draper would still back a fraud who put people’s health at risk through bogus blood tests as a chief science officer.

Draper is either a moron, a moral monster, or both.