Sonics Highlight Idiocy of Public Support for Private Sports Teams

Financially, the Seattle SuperSonics are not one of the NBA’s high performing teams. According to the SuperSonics, they’ve been losing on the order of $15 million a year for the last several years. So in 2006, the team was sold for to a group led by Oklahoma businessman Clay Bennett for $350 million.

Like many teams, the Sonics play in an arena — KeyArena — that was rennovated in the mid-1990s largely with taxpayer funding.  Like most professional sports teams, at the time the Sonics publicized the economic wonders that publicly funding a building for a private team would have on the economy.

With the mounting losses, however, the Sonics tried to negotiate even more subsidies and preferential treatment from the city. Those efforts were killed in 2006 when Seattle voters approved Initiative 91, which effectively rendered it impossible for the city to use taxpayer funds to aid private sports teams.

The Sonics response was to start the process required by the NBA to relocate the team. The only problem is the Sonics hae a lease that requires them to pay to use KeyArena through 2010.

In an effort to speed up mediation efforts, the Sonics filed a lawsuit that included briefs stating that the Sonics have almost no economic impact on Seattle and their relocation would have little effect on the city,

The financial issue is simple, and the city’s analysts agree, there will be no net economic loss if the Sonics leave Seattle. Entertainment dollars not spent on the Sonics will be spent on Seattle’s many other sports and entertainment options. Seattleites will not reduce their entertainment budget simply because the Sonics leave.

And there, in a nutshell, is the argument against public funding of sports stadiums in general — it imposes a huge cost on taxpayers while having little or not net effect on the economy. It is, in fact, simply a direct transfer of funds from the pockets of taxpayers to the pockets of greedy corporate owners.


Sonics: City wouldn’t miss us. Jim Brunner, Seattle Times, January 18, 2008.

Guess They Should Have Given Artest that Time Off

Holy shit — looks like maybe the Pacers should have given Ron Artest that time off that he asked for.

Best part — watching the fat-ass Piston fan get on the court only to be beat down by Artest. Then just as he’s getting up again, Jermaine O’Neal slides in and puts the fan down again. That guy deserves a good 3-6 months in jail just for good measure.

Worst part — images of kids and old people trying to stay out of the fray. Wow, Detroit Pistons fans really made an impression. They don’t actually play in Detroit, but the fans certainly carried on that Detroit ethos.

O’Neal to Be Arrested?

According to Detroit News,

Every Pacers player was allowed to leave the building. They host Orlando Saturday. There was talk that Pacers forward Jermaine O’Neal might be arrested. He and teammate Anthony Johnson both punched a fan — whose name was believed to be Charles Hadad — who had run onto the court after O’Neal. Johnson hit him first, O’Neal knocked him cold.

. . .

Hadad was carted off on a stretcher.

Detroit News is wrong — it was Artest who hit this Charles Haddad, and then O’Neal comes in and hits him again.

Sorry, but the fan got exactly what he deserved. He was clearly looking for a fight, and both Artest and O’Neal were more than in their rights to take action against the fan.


Brawl ends Pacers-Pistons game at The Palace. Chris McCosky, Detroit News, November 19, 2004.