Michigan Opens Dove Hunting Season

Michigan opened its first mourning dove hunting season in September after the state National Resources Commission decided to move forward with a limited hunt this year.

The hunt follows a compromise bill signed by Gov. Jennifer Granholm which allows the hunt but requires the NRC to initially hold a limited hunt and study the effects on the mourning dove population.

The initial hunt his year was limited to just six counties. The mourning dove hunt will remain only in limited areas for at least three years, when the NRC will evaluate the effects of the hunt and then determine whether a wider hunt is good wildlife management policy.

The decision made Michigan the 41st state to allow hunting of mourning doves. The full text of House Bill 5029 which repealed the ban can be read here.


Mourning dove likely to become fair game. Michael Kan and Amy Kwolek, The Michigan Daily. September 9, 2004.

Groups Hope to Block Michigan Mourning Dove Hunting

A coalition of animal rights groups calling itself The Committee to Restore the Dove Shooting Ban is collecting signatures in Michigan to block that state’s recent approval of dove hunting. Earlier this year, Michigan became the 41st state to allow hunting of mourning doves.

The group needs to collect 158,000 signatures by March 2005 in order to place their proposed ban on the November 2005 ballot. The earliest such a ban would go into effect would be 2006, which means dove hunting will almost certainly proceed in Michigan this year and next.

Michigan will likely approve trial hunts for the first few year, these being held in counties that border Indiana and Ohio — both states which already allow dove hunting. That would be followed by studies of the impact of hunting on the dove population before deciding whether to expand the hunt into other parts of Michigan.

Fund for Animals president Michael Markarian told the Detroit Free Press,

Voters will have the final say in whether the bird of peace should be blasted into pieces. There is no reason to shoot them, other than for target practice.


Coalition to launch petition drive to ban dove hunting. Bob Gwizdz, Booth Newspapers, August 6, 2004

Opponents of mourning dove hunting to mount petition drive aimed at 2006. Associated Press, August 5, 2004.