Hermes Press Reprints All 32 Dark Shadows Novels

Hermes Press is reprinting all 32 Dark Shadows novels.

Each of the 32 novels will present the complete text re-proofed and error free along with the faithfully reprinted cover art. The Hermes Press reprints will present the titles in an enlarged 6 inch by 9 inch format, printed on archival paper and permanently bound for reading enjoyment without cracking or loose pages.

Initial reviews on Amazon dispute the “re-proofed and error free” text. I wish these books were available on the Kindle or other electronic formats. I want to read them, but I am not interested in collecting them.

Dark Shadows Volume 1
Dark Shadows Volume 1
Dark Shadows Volume 2
Dark Shadows Volume 2
Dark Shadows Volume 3
Dark Shadows Volume 3
Dark Shadows Volume 4
Dark Shadows Volume 4
Dark Shadows Volume 5
Dark Shadows Volume 5
Dark Shadows Volume 6
Dark Shadows Volume 6
Dark Shadows Volume 7
Dark Shadows Volume 7
Dark Shadows Volume 8
Dark Shadows Volume 8