Georgia holds Lottery for September Alligator Hunt

In July, George held a lottery to award permits to the 300 hunters who will be allowed to hunt alligators in that state’s second alligator season.

Each hunter will pay a $50 permit and anyone accompanying a licensed hunter must also pay a $50 fee to the state of Georgia. The bag limit is 1 alligator per permit.

In the 1960s, Georgia’s alligator population neared extinction, but today there are an estimated 200,000 of the animals in the state. In its 2003 alligator season, 180 hunters killed 73 alligators.

According to the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, about 450 nuisance alligators are removed every year with trapping.


Alligator hunting season starts in Ga. Elliott Minor, Associated Press, July 7, 2004.

Alligator Hunting Season for 2004. Press Release, Georgia DNR.

Yerkes Researchers Demonstrate Efficacy of Combination Therapy to Reduce Cocaine Use in Non-Human Primates

Researchers at the Yerkes National Primate Research Center of Emory University in June published the results of their research showing that a combination of drug therapies significantly reduced cocaine use in nonhuman primates conditioned to self-administer the drug.

The researchers administer a combination of drugs that inhibit both dopamine and serotonin transport to a group of rhesus macaques who were conditioned to self-administer cocaine. In press release announcing the forthcoming publication of the results in the Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Yerkes’ Leonard Howell said,

It appears DAT (dopamine transport) inhibition serves to substitute for cocaine while SERT (serotonin) inhibition may limit the abuse potential of the medication. Our results, therefore, showing a combination of DAT and SERT inhibition were more effective than either alone are very promising.

According to Yerkes, this is the first time that a combination therapy has been shown to reduce cocaine use in nonhuman primates. According to the Yerkes press release, Howell will continue research into the combination therapy, turning to finding the optimal dosage level for reducing cocaine use.


Yerkes researchers discover combination of drug therapies reduces cocaine use in primates. Press Release, Emory University Health Sciences Center, May 24, 2004.

Jean Barnes Bizarre Letter about World Week for Animals in Laboratories

It’s been awhile since this site has reported on Jean Barnes, but in April she sent out an e-mail describing a protest that the Primate Freedom Project held outside Emory University. You might remember Barnes as the activist who thinks that research into gender assignment is inherently homophobic. She also turns out to be the activist who thinks her opponents are just sitting at home waiting for her to call. In her e-mail, Barnes wrote (emphasis added),

We had lots of media — including a one hour visit at WNNX where show hosts had invited at least 12 different Emory U. researchers to participate in an exchange with Ingrid [Newkirk]. None of Emory’s ‘trained medical professionals’ had the backbone to take on Ingrid — who to my knowledge — has no medical training. After WNNX was unable to secure an Emory dr. or researcher, they called around the US trying to get a medical type to discuss research with her. Again, no takers.

WNNX finally decided to try Ted Nugent. Ted could conveniently not be reached . . .

Yeah, I’m sure Nugent was home quaking in his boots at the thought of being called about a protest organized by Barnes.

Dang, they should have called me — I’d have debated that twit Newkirk. How convenient that Barnes didn’t bother!


Who’s Afraid of Ingrid Newkirk? Jean Barnes, Primate Freedom Project, April 28, 2004.

Georgia House Resolution 985 — Constitutional Amendment to Protect Hunting and Fishing

House Resolution 985 (COMMITTEE

By: Representatives Morris of the
120th, Lane of the 101st, Coleman of the 118th,
Skipper of the 116th, and Porter of the 119th

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution so as to provide
that the tradition of fishing and hunting and the taking of fish and wildlife
shall be preserved for the people and shall be managed by law and regulation for
the public good; to provide for submission of this amendment for ratification or
rejection; and for other purposes.

Article I, Section I of the Constitution is amended by
renumbering Paragraph XXVIII as Paragraph XXIX and inserting a new Paragraph
XXVIII to read as follows:

XXVIII. Fishing and hunting. The tradition of fishing and hunting
and the taking of fish and wildlife shall be preserved for the people and shall
be managed by law and regulation for the public

The above proposed amendment to the Constitution shall be
published and submitted as provided in Article X, Section I, Paragraph II of the
Constitution. The ballot submitting the above proposed amendment shall have
written or printed thereon the following:
“(  )  YES

(  )  NO

Shall the Constitution be amended so as to provide that the
tradition of fishing and hunting and the taking of fish and wildlife shall be
preserved for the people and shall be managed by law and regulation for the
public good?”
All persons desiring to vote in favor of ratifying the
proposed amendment shall vote “Yes.” All persons desiring to vote against
ratifying the proposed amendment shall vote “No.” If such amendment shall be
ratified as provided in said Paragraph of the Constitution, it shall become a
part of the Constitution of this state.

Georgia House Approves Ballot Question for Hunting/Fishing Amendment

In January, the Georgia House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved a ballot measure that would provide a constitutional guarantee of the right to fish and hunt in that state.

By a vote of 154-14, the House approved asking voters in November whether the foll0owing should be added to the Georgia constitution,

Paragraph XXVIII. Fishing and hunting. The tradition of fishing and hunting and the taking of fish and wildlife shall be preserved for the people and shall be managed by law and regulation for the public good.

The proposed ballot measure is now making its way through the Georgia Senate. If it is passed by a supermajority there, then it could go to voters as early as November 2004 where a simple majority vote would result in its adoption.

The full text of the proposed ballot question can be read here.


Hunting/fishing ‘right’ must be written. Ledger-Enquirer (Georgia), February 8, 2004.

Alabama State Senator Introduces Deer Baiting Bill

Alabama state Sen. Myron Penn recently introduced a bill in that state’s legislature that would make it legal for hunters to bait deer.

Penn said the change is needed to keep Alabama hunters from going to other states to hunt,

In this part of the state, hunting is king where cotton used to be. So many government officials are spending all of their time today trying to bring new industries to their towns, but I think the first thing we have to do is make the most of what we’ve already got. We have great hunting opportunities here, and we can’t make the most of them with so many people traveling out of state to hunt in places where baiting is already legal.

According to the Ledger-Enquirer, 26 states currently allow baiting of deer, including Alabama neighbor Georgia.

Groups opposed to baiting, such as the Alabama Wildlife Foundation, argue that baiting increases the risk of spreading diseases such as chronic wasting disease. According to the Foundation,

Wildlife research has shown that baiting deer causes them to unnaturally concentrate around baited areas. This increases the likelihood of spreading diseases between animals by direct contact and through eating bait contaminated with disease causing agents shed in feces, saliva or other excretions.

Penn, however, points out that supplemental feeding of deer is legal when hunting season is out, and there doesn’t seem to be any evidence that such supplemental feeding has increased the spread of disease among deer.

The full text of the bill can be read here.


SB49/HB518 – It’s a Bad Bill Don’t Take The Bait!. Press Release, Alabama Wildlife Foundation, Undated.

Proposed idea up for de-bait. Ledger-Enquirer (Columbus, Alabama), January 25, 2004.