Gallery 3 Released

Gallery 3.0, the latest version of the widely used open source photo gallery manager, has finally been released a year and a half after active development on the project started. A large number of modules are already available for Gallery 3 over at

I already installed Gallery 3 on my server here and imported all the photos and data from my Gallery 2 installation. Importing everything went seamless. Gallery 3 is quite a bit different from its earlier iterations, however, and I’m still trying to sort through how to replicate some of the features that I had in the old installation (Gallery 3 eliminated some features from the core in order to emphasize speed and the ability to handle large sets of photographs, though many of the removed features can easily be added with add-on modules).

Gallery 3.0 Reaches RC1

It looks like it a final release is still a ways off, but open source online photo gallery software Gallery recently released its first release candidate for version 3.0.

I use Gallery 2.x to run my personal photo gallery and manage the 27,000+ personal photos I’ve taken over the past few years, and am really looking forward for Gallery 3.0 to finally be released.

Gallery 3 Alpha

The team working on the next version of open source photo gallery software Gallery released an Alpha of Gallery 3 earlier this month. The good thing here is that this puts the full release of Gallery 3 about 6 weeks out. That’s incredibly fast considering it was just announced a few months ago and represents a major break with the Gallery 2 codebase.

Gallery 3 Development Begins

After releasing Gallery 2.3 back in October, the folks behind the “your photos on your website” software have decided to free the 2.x version and begin work on Gallery 3 which will include an rewrite of the software.

Those of you that have been paying attention know that something is going on! At the Gallery Sprint a few weeks ago, we made a lot of decisions and got the ball rolling on a complete rewrite which we’ve decided to call Gallery 3. Development of new features on Gallery 2 has been frozen, Gallery 1 is now a completely separate project “Jallery“, and the Gallery team is now busy at work on Gallery 3. It’s definitely not ready to run on your website yet but we’ve set the ambitious goal of having a 3.0 release by February 1, 2009 and are on track to meet that goal. Read on for details of why we’re doing this and what you can expect.

In the comments to the announcement, one of the developers emphasizes increasing the performance of Gallery as one of the goals of the rewrite. As awesome as Gallery is, I’ve noticed that now that I’ve got more than 22,000 photos online using it that it has seriously slowed down in a number of areas, especially in adding new photos.

If they can achieve significant performance increases, the rewrite will more than justify the inconvenience it will create among people who have modified the code or written plugins for 2.x that will almost certainly have to be rewritten for 3.x.