YubiKey Verification

Occasionally someone on Hacker News or Reddit wonders whether or not a YubiKey (or other FIDO/U2F security key) could be duplicated in transit.

Never say never, but FIDO/U2F has specific mitigations designed to make it easy to quickly detect duplicate keys.

A U2F token must increase a counter each time it performs an authentication operation. This counter may be ‘global’ (i.e., the same counter is incremented regardless of the application parameter in Authentication Request message), or per-application (i.e., one counter for each value of application parameter in the Authentication Request message).

U2F token counters should start at 0.

The counter allows relying parties to detect token cloning in certain situations. Relying parties should implement their own remediation strategies if they suspect token cloning due to non-increasing counter values.

Similarly, while it would be possible to create a fake YubiKey, actual YubiKeys are signed with an attestation certificate. The certificate chain of a given key can be checked to ensure it is genuine.

Yubico has an online YubiKey Verification site that will tell you whether a given YubiKey is genuine.

Yubico Releases YubiKey 5 Series Featuring FIDO2/WebAuthn Support

Of course after I buy a half-dozen YubiKey 4 keys, the company goes and releases the YubiKey 5 series with FIDO2/WebAuthn support. 🙂

Single-Factor Authentication (Passwordless) with the YubiKey 5 Series – The YubiKey 5 security keys can be used alone for strong single-factor authentication, requiring no username or password to login — just tap or touch to authenticate.

Second-Factor Authentication with the YubiKey 5 Series – Used alongside a username and password, the YubiKey 5 series offers a strong second factor of authentication. This is the YubiKey integration that exists today with services like Google, Twitter, and Facebook, and it is most familiar to our users.

Multi-Factor Authentication (Passwordless + PIN + Touch) with the YubiKey 5 Series – The YubiKey 5 series can be used in conjunction with a PIN for user verification. In this case, the PIN unlocks the device locally and touch is still required for the YubiKey to perform the authentication.

Really looking forward to seeing what the uptake is on the passwordless single-factor authentication turns out to be, especially as Google’s recently released hardware authentication key also supports it.

I had some concerns about physical security with the passwordless authorization, but it appears that users can add a pin to the authentication keys in that setup if desired.