Some Random Pictures of the Kids

Some random pictures of the kids from the last few weeks,

Yes, they’re going to feed me!!

Look ma, no hands.

The celebrities began arriving in style.

I’m cute.

No, really, I’m cute.

Okay, now do you believe I’m cute?

Veni. Vidi. Vici.

The wild baby stalks his prey using a combination of stealth and slobber.

Emma performing feats of strength.

And playing dress up.

Got Brains? I Do

Tonight I was organizing some photos I took a few weeks ago of my son, Colin, when I came across this one (the sunglasses were his mother’s idea).

Holy Cow, the Gerry Anderson fanboy in me screamed out. My kid is Brains,

Hmmmm. . . I wonder if they’ve cast an actor yet for Brains in the live action version of Thunderbirds that Jonathan Frakes (ugh) is directing?