Chris Nolan’s Nonsense about Daily Kos

I can’t stand Daily Kos but the sort of ignorant hit pieces like Chris Nolan’s article are just absurd.

Nolan is upset because the Markos Moulitsas, who writes the Daily Kos, was a paid consultant to the Dean campaign,

Last week, Zephyr Teachout former Howard Dean campaign director of Internet organizing put a post up on what she – and she has got to be joking – calls a private website saying that Dean paid a bunch of bloggers who supported his candidacy.

Now, let’s get something straight from the start. There are no angels here. The two bloggers who accepted payments from the Dean campaign, Markos Moulitsas and Jerome Armstrong aren’t the innocents they’d like you and the rest of their partisan readers and supporters to think they are. They have no qualms about having their readers think they’re some new kind of journalists but they are, really, political activists and organizers.

Huh? Moulitsas had a pretty obvious disclosure on his front page that he was a consultant to Dean during the period he was accepting money from the Dean campaign. The only one trying to deceive here is Nolan who either is lying or hasn’t done his homework.

Plus I don’t know where the hell Nolan comes up with the claim that Moulitsas wants his “readers [to] think they’re some new kind of journalists…” Moulitsas’ blog has always been a hyperpartisan pro-Democrat activist site.

Apparently Nolan has no qualms about deceiving her readers into thinking that he actually knows anything about his topic.

Its also a bit odd to see Nolan apparently argue that its impermissible for people to blog about things in which they have a direct commerical interest. WTF? So Dave Winer should have kept Scripting.Com free of any mention of Userland or Radio or Frontier?

Presumably they simply should have arranged to buy stock through an insider deal.