Group Buys 13 Bulgarian Dancing Bears to Free Them

The Associated Press reports that Austria-based Four Paws Foundation recently paid several Bulgarian families small grants (the AP doesn’t report how small) in order to buy the freedom of 13 brown bears used in dancing bear street acts.

The bears will be relocated to a 12-hectare sanctuary on Mount Rila. The sanctuary cost $2.4 million and was created in collaboration with the Brigitte Bardot Foundation.


Animal rights activists buy freedom bears. Associated Press, June 7, 2004.

Bardot Wants France to Guarantee Animal Rights

A small item in British newspaper The Independent reported that,

Brigitte Bardot has written to the French Prime Minister, Jean-Pierre Raffarin, requesting the incorporation of animal rights legislation to the French constitution. In the letter, the actress say that just as France voted in 1789 for the declaration of human rights, it should add a similar declaration in 2002 for animals. The actress’s animal rights foundation has offered to help draw up a law.

Of course the immediate outcome of the French revolution was tyranny, as would be the outcome of a Declaration of Animal Rights.


People: Bardot steps up animal campaign. The Independent (London), June 26, 2002.