Salon.Com Estimates Alex Jones’ Financials has an fun time estimating just how much conspiracy nut Alex Jones pulls in each year from his various media operations.

So let’s go back to the scoreboard and try to add up our inexact, educated guesstimate into a grand total. On the very low end, we’d estimate a little over $1 million for Web, $215,000 for radio, and $1.5 million for paid subscribers for a not-too-shabby $2.7 million a year. On the high end, if we assume he pulls in the maximum $6 million on Web, another $450,000 on the radio (if his ad rates are at the top of their possible window), and he has 2.5 percent of his website visitors paying to subscribe, then we’re talking about more than $10 million a year. And none of this includes book sales, merch, speaking tours, promotional tie-ins, book and DVD royalties or any other revenue streams that might exist.

So the next time you want to dismiss Jones as crazy, ask yourself how many people would pay $5.95 a month to watch you talk about Justin Bieber.

On the other hand, what’s the point of making millions of dollars if you are the target of the revenge of the nerds?

That’s right, Alex. We’re using our brains, and we’re coming for you with our Magic: The Gathering cards, so watch your back.