Kellogg’s Astronaut Breakfast Game

Kellogg’s Astronaut Breakfast Game was a promotion the company geared toward school student in the 1960s.

The game’s rules combined the worst of self-tracking, cumbersome rules, and a lame prize, all to sell unhealthy breakfast cereal. The past truly is a foreign country.

Divide your class into 4 teams. Each team “rides” on of the Moon ships–the Red Ship, the Blue Ship, the Green Ship or the Yellow ship. Every school day, the team with the most members who have eaten good breakfasts moves one space closer to the moon. Make a mark with a pencil or crayon on the game chart to show each team’s progress (in case of ties, both teams advance one space.) The first team to reach the moon is the winner. The game continues until the teams reach the moon. If there is a tie for first place, tying teams play the game again to determine the winner. Each member of the winning teams receives a special blue pin to wear.

Kellogg's Astronaut Breakfast Game
Kellogg’s Astronaut Breakfast Game
Kellogg's Astronaut Breakfast Game
Kellogg’s Astronaut Breakfast Game
Kellogg's Astronaut Breakfast Game
Kellogg's Astronaut Breakfast Game
Kellogg’s Astronaut Breakfast Game
Kellogg's Astronaut Breakfast Game
Kellogg’s Astronaut Breakfast Game

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