Tech Writers…SMH

More evidence that tech writers often have little expertise about what they write about…

So I was research Android’s SmartLock security when paired with something like a Yubico NFC key, and I ran across an article by Jason Cipriani from April 23, 2015 that looked promising, but…oh my, these three paragraphs.

Not really, the moment you activate any of these features you’re trading security for convenience. You risk leaving your phone unlocked in a situation where it could be easily accessed by a stranger.

Being mindful of where you enable the Smart Lock features can be very useful, but is still a high price to pay for the perceived benefits. I have Smart Lock set up when I’m at home and when connected to my car’s Bluetooth, but outside of those situations my phone is usually locked.

Sure, it’s annoying to have to constantly scribble my unlock pattern, but the reassurance of a knowing my information is safe and secure is worth it. Find your comfort level by weighing security with convenience to find out if Android’s security update is right for you.

If you are concerned that a feature on Android is compromising the level of safety and  security you get from the Pattern Lock, you’re doing it wrong. (This is a bit like saying you are worried that wearing a faulty airbag is going to hamper your ability to safely drive while drunk).

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