DiskCryptor – Open Source Whole Disk Encryption for Windows

Bruce Sterling has said he’s been using Symantec’s Endpoint Encryption software for full disk encryption ever since the demise of TrueCrypt. I used Symantec’s product — which is really just a commercialization of PGP — many years ago before TrueCrypt became so popular. It worked well and I’m sure it is still a great solution IF you can afford the $85/workstation license.

So instead, I’ve been using the open source DiskCryptor for all of my whole disk encryption needs for Windows.So far I haven’t had any issues with it and from what I can tell it is a least as secure as TrueCrypt was (i.e., it’s likely to stymie local cops, but state actors have many ways to obtain passphrases if they want to devote sufficient resources — not sure they’re likely to do so for my porn collection, however).




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