WTF Is In A Name at Fusion Fall

So my son really wants to play Cartoon Network’s Fusion Fall. I sign up, create a character and all is going well until it comes time to create a name for the character.

First, like a lot of online games, Fusion Fall has a random name generator, but it is completely useless because all of the random names it generates have already been taken. That in itself is such a stupid “feature” I can’t believe how prevalent it is. Exactly what help do developers think they’re doing by giving me a random name I can’t actually use. Do they think “random name roulette” is a mini-game fun for the whole family?

Anyway, after several rounds of having my random names rejected, I decide to manually enter a name. To save time and frustration, I put in my own name and go on to play for awhile. The next time I login, however, I’m told my name has been rejected and I must choose another. No explanation of what was offensive or objectionable ABOUT MY OWN DAMN NAME. No guidelines on creating an acceptable name. Just, sorry sucker, see if you can guess a name we’ll actually allow.

Right, because what I really want to do is spend the next few hours trying to figure out what name will please the assholes at Fusion Fall.

Hmmm . . . so maybe I can go over to the Fusion Fall site and get some help with this. So I go on over to the Fusion Fall forums, and I’m actually going to wait until I calm down to post a nice, concise explanation of my frustrating experience.

Nope, not going to happen. You can’t Post or Reply at the Fusion Fall forums unless you pay to become a Premium Subscriber to the game. Are you f—ing kidding me? That’s the sort of epic fail I haven’t seen since Flagship Studios (which went further and barred nonpaying customers from even reading their forums, so no one would know just how much Hellgate London sucked).

And I was considering paying for this crap? Not.

14 thoughts on “WTF Is In A Name at Fusion Fall”

  1. Maybe you should have your son try and he’d have an easier time. Ive never had a prob with Fusion Fall. And yes, commenting in forum should be accessible only to paying customers like myself, because if you’re not paying then why should we have to read your opinions about something as trivial as you not being able to select the name you want? =_( Did you bi**h at aol for not getting the email address you wanted? If the name you selected was unusable maybe its because someone already has it, duh. There are over 5 MILLION people that play Fusion Fall. You dont think someone out there may have the same name as you? Patience is a virtue guy. Sounds like you get mad waiting for rice to boil. Maybe you should try an easier game like Hello Kitty lol.

  2. I tried that thing out, and I don’t think that’s the case. I put mine as Niveus Kramarevsky. (pen name btw) I don’t know about you but my name isn’t one that’s common. I don’t see some other Russian or Ukrainian with a non Russian non English, name like that. I added my middle name for the second time and it accepted it.. -_-

    Furthermore I don’t get the whole pay to subscribe thing. Is it just my crummy cpu or do you have to subscribe to get to the past. And why does CN need people to pay to play their game, are they not already pretty rich with all the cartoons? I could understand having subscription make the characters get tons better stuff and go to places others can’t (like runescape) but this is kinda redicious. (of course what I said doesn’t apply much if it’s just my computer) I should have expected cartoon network to do something like that -_- ((Oh well, probably just gave their employees a small raise and horded away the rest))

  3. Supposedly they don’t accept names that sound like real names, for safety reasons (they don’t want kids running around using their real names on there). But I have seen people with names on there that seem realistic, so I dunno.

  4. I use Craig Krueger, a name i’ve imagined for my music group. Even this is unacceptable. Even Random is unacceptable. They only get bug in their so beautiful and powerfull software. Or they are just stupid assholes, yes.

  5. Fusion Fall would only be cool if it was entirely free. Otherwise it’s just another one of those gay online games trying to rip you off. Now VMK was the only decent free online game until they shut it down.

  6. The only problem I had with the name creation was when I created my own name, it took about 2 days to be accepted. But I only entered in 1 name. It wasn’t taken or rejected.

    My only other problem, or annoyance, is the whole “pay to get to the past” part. Like wtf! That pisses me off. I just wanna play the game.

  7. Fusion Fall is going free pril 19th, and your actual name is against the code of conduct, saying that no private info about urself can be said, such as your name. I have to agree with the name generator thing though. It was annoying.

  8. Hey people i know a cool fusionfall website, my friend made it 😀
    i take no credit in making it its pretty awsome right?
    i have a forum account too its AWSOME 😉

    the name generator thing is a bit wierd :s
    typing names was better 😛

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