WoW Character Display Plugin for WordPress

There are a number of WordPress plugins that are designed to pull character data from the WoWArmory, but WoW Character Display is head-and-shoulders above the rest. The main advantage it has is that it caches the armory data, so after its pulled once it only gets refreshed every X minutes, with the administrator able to set the frequency.

Most of the other WoWArmory-related plugins essentially pull in the data fresh each time a page featuring the character or guild is displayed, which is less than ideal. Since the WoWArmory data itself changes infrequently (it is usually updated sortly after you log out of WoW), reloading it for every page load is unnecessary.

I’ve got the plugin activated on this page and you can see my main toon here.

3 thoughts on “WoW Character Display Plugin for WordPress”

  1. I have searched the world for something like this, and this seems to be the best solution. However, I cannot establish a connection to the armory. I get a generic error every time, whether for character or an entire guild:

    “Sorry the WoW armory server didn’t respond. The amount of requests you can do in a specific time period is restricted by Blizzard.”

    I am guessing this is a generic “FAILED TO CONNECT” error for the plugin.

    Wondering if you had to do anything special to get it to work?

    Settings I am trying are:

    Dessttiny /Prevail

    Thanks for the help.

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