Clockwork Game Webcomic

clockwork-gameClockwork Game is a webcomic posted every Thursday by Jane Irwin centered around The Turk automated chess playing machine. According to Wikipedia,

Publicly promoted as an automaton and given its common name based on its appearance, the Turk was in fact a mechanical illusion that allowed a human chess master hiding inside to operate the machine. With a skilled operator, the Turk won most of the games played during its demonstrations around Europe and the Americas for nearly 84 years until its destruction by fire in 1854, playing and defeating many challengers including statesmen such as Napoleon Bonaparte and Benjamin Franklin. Although many had suspected the hidden human operator, the hoax was initially revealed only in the 1820’s by the Londoner Robert Willis (see, for instance, his An Attempt to Analyse the Automaton Chess Player, London, 1821).

According to the Clockwork Game’s website, the comic “is a mostly-true story, a dramatization of actual historical events, retold with as little conjecture as possible” and the result is fascinating.

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