Admin Links WordPress Plugin

Admin Links is a plugin for WordPress that adds a sidebar widget featuring whatever deep links you want to see to the admin section of your site. The links are, of course, only viewable to folks with admin access.

Given how convoluted the admin area of WordPress still is (especially once you throw in the inconsistent admin functions of plugins), this is a huge timesaver.

4 thoughts on “Admin Links WordPress Plugin”

  1. “[E]specially once you throw in the inconsistent admin functions of plugins…” This drives me nuts. Every plugin seems to think it should place its preferences in a different place in the sidebar.

  2. Mark wrote:

    “Every plugin seems to think it should place its preferences in a different place in the sidebar.”

    Exactly. Some put themselves in Tools others in Settings others in Appearance and some just make their own stupid sidebar altogether.

    I mean I realize I’m not a software engineer, but wouldn’t it make more sense to create a sidebar called … I dunno … Plugin Settings and then have force plugins with settings to be listed there?

    There’s also no rhyme or reason to the way plugins are listed. So I’ve got about a dozen plugins listed under Settings .. and they’re not in alphabetical order (which would be ideal), but they’re not in any other sort of order either. There’s got to be something dictating how they’re ordered…I used to think it was by order I installed them, but that’s clearly not it.

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