DST Announces Retro Star Trek Bridge Playset

Diamond Select Toys recently announced that in 2009 it will release a Retro Star Trek Bridge Playset to accompany all of the Retro Star Trek action figures its been selling based on the original Mego models.

According to DST,

A timeless part of many childhoods, this set includes a variety of features found in the original design as well as a few upgrades!  Among the classic elements returning are the working spin-around Transporter mechanism, fold-up design with carrying case handle, interchangeable view-screen graphics, do-it-yourself decal sticker sheets as well as plastic chair and table accessories!

I had the original Mego Star Trek playset as a kid. Loved that spinning transporter. Damn, now I’m going to have to go out and buy all the retro Star Trek figures to go with this.

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