Star Trek Gets the George Lucas Treatment

It was bad enough that Gene Roddenberry and his successors chose to neuter the Star Trek universe with monstrosities like Jean Luc Picard (see “Homeward” for all the proof you’ll ever need of Picard’s depravity), but now Paramount is finishing the job of stabbing the original series in the back with a “remastered” version featuring new special effects. Ugh.

According to a Wired story on the changes,

CBS Paramount says the make-over is intended to enhance the show’s visual appeal while staying true to the original look and feel of the series.

“Nothing really has changed except for the fact that it’s just prettier to look at,” said John Nogawski, president of CBS Paramount Domestic Television, in a recent conference call with reporters. “Right down to placement of stars, it is being resimulated to be exactly what was there in the first place.”

Hmmm…lets run that corporate-speak through the universal translator,

“Nothing has really changed,” said John Nogawski, “we’re still milking Star Trek for whatever we can get out of it, and we no enough fanboys will tune in to watch the remastered version and buy the DVD to keep us in the manner we’re accustomed until the next crappy Star Trek film is ready to go. After all, what really mattered about the original Star Trek was the special effects.”


Original Star Trek Gets Upgraded. Wired, September 15, 2006.

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