Typical ADHD Behavior

As I’ve mentioned before, my daughter, Emma, has a serious problem with ADHD. Thanks to the wonders of Ritalin she is now doing much better and can almost function at the same level of her first grade classmates.

Here’s a typical night at my house. My daughter is upstairs playing in her room and needs to come downstairs to take her medicine.

Me: Emma, come downstairs.

Emma: Why?

Me: Its time to take your medicine.

… two minutes go by.

Me: Come on, Emma, its time to come downstairs and take your medicine.

… two more minutes go by.

Me: Emma, please come downstairs and take your medicine.

… two more minutes go by.

Me: Emma, come downstairs, NOW!

Emma: Alright.

She hits the stairs,

Me: Why did it take you so long to come downstairs.

Emma (very annoyed at being asked such a stupid question): I had to build something!

There’s a joke about ADD that’s actually not a joke — its how many people with ADD seem to process the world. The joke goes,

Q: How many ADD kids does it take to screw in a light bulb?

A: Lets go ride bikes!

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