More Fishy Claims from Project Entropia

I have long been skeptical of MMORPG Project Entropia so when news reports surfaced that someone had paid $100,000 for an in-game piece of virtual property, I was a bit skeptical. Now it turns out that, in fact, the entire story is apparently another likely PE fabrication.

That investor who spent $100,000 for an virtual Space Station? He’s Jon Jacobs who just coincidentally happens to have recently been employed as the U.S. spokesman for Project Entropia! His official PE biography from a September 2004 conference reads,

Jon Jacobs, U.S. Spokesperson, Project Entropia: Jon Jacobs is the writer and producer of the hit song played in the Project Entropia Universe. It hit #3 on the Video Game Charts on beating out Blood Rayne 2 and even Spiderman 2 for a day. JonÂ’s main title within the company is US Spokesperson. His functions include US strategic relations as well as, business development, marketing and content acquisition.

That auction that yielded a staggering $100,000 sale price for the virtual space station? It apparently ended while the PE servers were offline.

Note, too, that all of the stories about this in the mainstream media are incorrect. The virtual station did not sell for $100,000. Rather it sold in-game for 1 million Project Entropia dollars which, in theory, would be exchangable for $100,000. If you think Jacobs actually put up $100,000 of his own money solely for this piece of property, I’ve got a bridge in Azeroth for sale . . .

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