International Criminal Court Convicts Rwandan Official for Genocide

More than four years after his 1999 arrest, International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda convicted former minister of higher education Jean de Dieu Kamuhanda of both genocide and crimes against humanity. The 51-year old Kamhuanda personally led militias to a church and school to slaughter Tutsis who had sought protection there.

Kamuhanda was sentenced to life in prison. He is only the 17th person convicted by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda in the eight years since it was established, though he is the fifth person convicted in the past two months.

In addition, thousands of people have been tried for genocide-related crimes in Rwanda where, unlike the International Tribune, defendants face the possiblity of the death sentence for their role in the genocide.


Genocide minister gets life term. The BBC, January 22, 2004.

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