HSUS Hollywood Office Releases Picks for Worst TV "Foe Paws"

The HSUS Hollywood Office (formerly Ark Trust) recently released its annual list of television “foe paws” — television shows that, according to HSUS, “are given the thumbs down for their negative animal messages.” This year’s list was by far the most entertaining yet.

Among those receiving HSUS’ thumbs down was Jimmy Kimmel Live for a February feature on bull riding,

We know it’s a guy’s show and Jimmy Kimmel is such a guy! So who better to
promote the macho ‘sport’ of bull riding. Converting the studio back lot
into a rodeo arena, Kimmel glorifies the ‘brave’ cowboys whom he suggests
are risking their lives for this demonstration. After all, it’s not harmful
to the animals involved, is it? Then Kimmel lets something slip when a bull
is reluctant to leave his shoot, “Shall we electric shock this thing?” he
asks. That appalling remark reveals the truth about bull riding and says a
lot about Jimmy Kimmel?(Feb 13).

HSUS also accused The Simpsons of putting forth a negative message about animals for a December episode in which the family dog has puppies,

Oh, how it pains us to cite this seminal comedy series and frequent Genesis
Award winner, which has delivered some truly enlightened messages about
animals. Why then did the writers miss a golden opportunity to stress the
need to spay and neuter the family dog? Granted, Homer meant to have him
fixed but didn’t due to the dog’s nervousness. Okay, we get the joke but, to
make matters worse, the animal conscious Lisa is shown handing out the
unwanted puppies to literally anyone who’ll take them! We say it’s out of
character for Lisa and out of whack for The Simpsons. (Dec 7)

Oh, the horrors!

My favorite of the bunch, though, is HSUS’s complaint about an episode of Wanda at Large featuring comedian Wanda Sykes. In the episode Sykes takes on animal rights activists who complain about her wearing fur,

It must be open season on attacking animal advocates! Familiar with her so
called tell-it-like-it-is signature style, we wish Wanda would have told it
like it really is instead of resorting to a sly send up of animal activists.
Angry at being lambasted for wearing fur, Wanda sets out to ‘take down’ the
campaigner leading the protests against her in a TV debate. Portrayed as
naive, misinformed, and deserving only ridicule, the activist and the issues
she cares about are given no credibility. We’re not alone in failing to see
the humor in this sit-com ? it was cancelled in December! (Nov 15)

Hmmm…activists portrayed as “naive, misinformed, and deserving only ridicule”? Sounds about right to me.


HSUS Hollywood Office Releases Annual ‘Foe Paw’ Report. Press Release, Humane Society of the United States, January 7, 2004.

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