Tiger Rescue Operators Charged With 17 Felonies

The operators of a nonprofit organization dedicated to rescuing performing tigers were recently charged with 17 felonies after an April 22 raid of their home and tiger sanctuary allegedly turned up numerous health and safety violations as well as numerous dead tigers in various states of decay.

On a web site for Tiger Rescue, John Weinhart and Marla Smith claimed they had been rescuing movie and other performing tigers for over 30 years. But when police raided their property they found the carcasses of 88 dead tigers as well as numerous leopard and tiger cubs living in unhealthy conditions.

Prosecutors said that Weinhart and Smith had two full-grown tigers in their yard and, for good measure, two alligators living in their bathtub. The couple were charged with child endangerment due to the presence of their 8-year-old son who was removed from their custody.

If convicted, both Weinhart and Smith could receive up to 16 years in jail.


Couple who ran animal sanctuary charged. Associated Press, May 22, 2003.

Many Dead Tigers Are Found at Big Cat ‘Retirement Home’. New York Time, April 2003.

Neglected Tiger, Leopard Cubs On Mend. CBS News, April 24, 2003.

90 Tigers Found Dead At Calif. Home. CBS News, April 25, 2003.

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