Researchers Develop Effective Male Contraceptive

Researchers at the Anzac Research Institute in Sydney, Australia, announced in October that a small clinical trial of a male contraceptive found the drug 100 percent effective and side-effect free.

The trial involved 55 men who received a combination of implants and injections designed to stop production of sperm.

The men were given injections of progestin every three months. The progestin signals the body to stop producing sperm. It also shuts down all testosterone production, so the men were also given a testosterone implant that has to be replaced every four months.

When injections and implant treatment were stopped, the men’s sperm production went back to normal levels indicating the contraceptive effect is completely reversible.

Leader researcher David Handelsman noted the significance of the trial saying that,

This is the first time a reversible male contraceptive that will suppress sperm production reliably and reversibly has been fully tested by couples. This shows the way for a final product to be a single injection containing testosterone and a progestin which will easily be given by local doctors on a three-four monthly basis and still maintain male sexual health.

Larger clinical trials of the male contraceptive will have to take place before it reaches market, but this is likely to be fast tracked if these sort of results continue to hold up.


Male contraceptive proves 100% effective. BetterHumans.Com, October 6, 2003.

Male contraceptive ‘100% effective’. The BBC, October 6, 2003.

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