Kucinich Doesn't Let Veganism Get in the Way of Political Aspirations

Dennis Kucinich may not eat any animal products, but that has not stopped him from seeking support from Iowa dairy farmers.

Chronicling Kucinich’s visit to the Iowa State Fair, Des Moines Register reporter Laurie Mansfield notes that Kucinich’s views about animals did not stop him from making a stop at The Dairy Barn and making his pitch to dairy farmers that regardless of what he personally eats, he’s the man to protect the family farmer.

According to Mansfield’s story,

Like the other Democratic candidates, Kucinich is making the rounds to Iowa family farms, hoping he can persuade meat and dairy farmers that he’s on their side, even though he doesn’t use their products.

“Farmers want someone who is going to stand up for them,” Kucinich said last week. “My willingness to do that means more to farmers than what my food choice happens to be because inevitably, farmers are concerned that their families are able to survive.”

At the moment, Kucinich appears to be relying heavily on the vegetarian vote as he is currently only polling 2 percent among registered Democrats or Democrat-leaning voters, putting him dead last among Democratic candidates for president.


The vegetarian candidate. Laurie Mansfield, Des Moines Register, August 23, 2003.

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