If It Squeaks Like a Duck . . .

An animal rights extremist in Santa Cruz, California wanted to make his point about animal cruelty and defaced signs put up by a sorority advertising an upcoming duck event. The vandal scrawled “animal cruelty” across the signs and crossed out a word and wrote “tortures” over it. So what sort of vile event did the fraternity have planned? A rubber duck race.

Janice Allegrie of Omega Nu told the Santa Cruz Sentinel, “They are cute, but they’re rubber.”

Omega Nu has run its Duck Derby over the last 13 year sand raised hundreds of thousands of dollars that largely benefit local public and private agencies.

(Then again, if a rubber duck can squeak, isn’t that proof enough that it feels pain just like you and I?)


Zealot acts to halt abuse . . . of rubber ducks. Donna Jones, Santa Cruz Sentinel, April 12, 2003.

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