Cost of Johannesburg Summit

In an op-ed for Fox News, former United Nations Ambassador Kenneth Adelman highlights the bizarre way that the United Nations goes about solving poverty.

At the same time that the World Food Program and other agencies are having difficulties obtaining food aid for starving millions in sub-Saharan Africa, the United Nations is sponsoring the Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development which will cost a rather unsustainable $55 million mainly to provide a stage for world leaders to make promises and pledges that will never be followed through.

Adelman writes,

It’s another massive waste of money. Another diversion from the real needs of the poor. Another boondoggle for the rich to jet somewhere exotic to gush over their concern for the poor.

Apparently the United Nations’ theory is that if they get enough blowhard politicians on a single stage they can talk world poverty to death.


A Summit Hard to Stomach. Kenneth Adelman, FoxNews.Com, August 28, 2002.

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