Charles Eicher on Userland Support

Charles Eicher’s weblog was apparently going to contain a story about his role in the Rodney King trial this week. Instead, it has been devoted to chronicling yet another Dave Winer eruption.

The thing I will never understand is how Winer can be so arrogant even when it is his company that is at fault. Is it really surprising that when you have an outage going on for 7 days and a relatively buggy, inefficient application, that people’s tempers are gonig to flair? But Winer’s only reply seems to be that users should help themselves (i.e., $40/pop for Radio is not a good model for supporting a product).

Doesn’t Winer realize that he’s cutting his own throat, here? Just as I was dissuaded from going with a dedicated Manila server after one of Winer’s eruptions a couple years ago, so potential Userland customers are sitting back going “Holy shit, why would we want to have a business relationship with that guy?”

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